محاضرو موسومة بـ: audience

How To Respond To Emails

This is a practical lecture where I read emails that I received from some of my students and reply to them. The purpose of this lecture is to apply the skills that we have previously learned in the previous few lecture in the process of responding to emails. In particular, we discuss the importance of understanding the nature/identity of the audience and the type of language to be used when writing a response email. We highlight some useful phrases that can be used in the introduction and body of a response email.

Building Your Confidence

This lecture is also a continuation on the previous lecture’s brainstorming activity. The lecture starts with the students going around the classroom to read their classmates ideas, to notice what all the groups had in common, and to share which ideas they liked the most.At the end of the lecture each student is asked to come in front of their classmates to introduce themselves in one sentence. The main purpose for that is to let them experience how standing in front of the audience feels like, and to relieve some of their stress