Course List

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The novel

The novel

Instructor: Muhammed Hamdan

2019, Semester: Second

11 lectures

The Short Story

The Short Story

Instructor: Muhammed Hamdan

2019, Semester: Second

3 lectures

Methods of Teaching Literature

Methods of Teaching Literature

Instructor: Sameer Mahmoud

2018, Semester: Second

39 lectures

Contrastive Linguistics

Contrastive Linguistics

Instructor: Ruqqayyah Herzallah

2010, Semester: Summer

26 lectures

Contrastive Linguistics

Instructor: Oqab Jabali

2016, Semester: First

20 lectures

Conversation and oral Comprehension ‎

Conversation and oral Comprehension ‎

Instructor: Mahmoud Mansour

2015, Semester: First

6 lectures