Lectures Tagged with: Experience

صفات وواجبات المدير العام للفندق

تتحدث هذه المحاضرة على الصفات العامة لمدير عام الفندق وماهي أبرز واجباته ومسؤولياته في عملية السيطرة على إدارة الفندق بنجاح

How Not To Write A Robotic Cover Letter

The purpose of this lecture is to give students the tools to make their cover letters more effective by focusing on the language used in them. In particular, students are introduced to the importance of making their cover letters interesting to read for an employer. To achieve that, we discuss certain cliché phrases that are normally found in cover letters, and we offer alternatives that can boost the quality of a cover letter. The students are encouraged to avoid empty words and come up with different ways of communicating their suitability for the job post to make their cover letters successful.