Theoretical air

Lectures Tagged with: Theoretical air

Chemical Reactions And Combustion Process 2

In this chapter the combustion process is considered in detail. There are two reasons for this emphasis. First, the combustion process is important in many problems and devices with which the engineer is concerned. Second, the combustion process provides an excellent means of teaching the basic principles of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions. Many thermodynamic problems involve chemical reactions. Among the most familiar of these is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, for this process is utilized in most of our power-generating devices

Chemical Reactions And Combustion Process 1

In this chapter the combustion process is considered in detail. There are two reasons for this emphasis. First, the combustion process is important in many problems and devices with which the engineer is concerned. Second, the combustion process provides an excellent means of teaching the basic principles of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions. Many thermodynamic problems involve chemical reactions. Among the most familiar of these is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, for this process is utilized in most of our power-generating devices