Abnormal Clinical Findings In Mammogram And Birads | تصوير الثدي
Abnormal Clinical Findings In Mammogram And Birads
المدرس: جهاد الشنطي
سنة التدريس: 2023 (الفصل الثاني)
مشاهدات: 5
المدة: دقائق
In this video, it was learned how different tumors appear in mammograms, and what are the morphological signs that distinguish between the appearance of malignant tumors and benign tumors. In addition to getting acquainted with the global mammogram image classification system (BIRADS) to facilitate patient follow-up
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- قسم: دائرة العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
الكلية: الطب وعلوم الصحة
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