Malpractice and Medical Mistakes

Malpractice and Medical Mistakes
Instructor: Mohamad Abualrob
2021, Semester: First
9 lectures
يتناول هذا المساق الأخطاء الطبية التي يرتكبها الأطباء أثناء علاج المرضى ، والعقوبة المقررة لهذه الأخطاء والتعويض عنها
Real Rights

Real Rights
Instructor: Ali Musleh
2021, Semester: Second
24 lectures

Real Rights
Instructor: Ali Musleh
2020, Semester: Second
17 lectures
Constitutional Law 2

Constitutional Law
Instructor: Dr. Sanaa Al Sarghali
2019, Semester: First
6 lectures
Legal Practice

Legal Practice
Instructor: Mr. Fadel Maher Mohammad Askalan
2019, Semester: Second
20 lectures
The History Of Plestinian Legislation

The History Of Plestinian Legislation
Instructor: Dr. Sanaa Al Sarghali
2019, Semester: Second
7 lectures